Hirehub Management Sdn Bhd

Hire Your Professionals Expatriate Smoothly

One-stop recruitment solution for foreign white-collar professionals in Malaysia.

Expatriate Application Services

As a professional human resources agency, HireHub provides expert services to help clients navigate complex hiring processes:

ESD Application (Expatriate)

This is the visa application for the recruitment of foreign white-collar professionals, such as engineers, managers, and senior executives. We provide A-Z consultation service that ensures a smooth and efficient permit application, leveraging our expertise to secure visa within the shortest time possible.

Company Registration with Expatriate Service Division (ESD)

Company Activation

Expatriate application

Passport Endorsement & Collection

Company Eligibility Requirements

  1. Must be registered with The Companies Commission of Malaysia (SSM) under Companies Act 1965
  2. Company Paid-up capital requirement:

Types of Employment Pass

Minimum Requirements to obtain employment pass

  • Candidates must hold a degree or higher qualification and have at least 3 years of experience in the relevant field.
  • Candidates with a diploma should have a minimum of 5 years of relevant experience.
  • Those with a technical certificate or equivalent must possess at least 7 years of experience in the relevant field.

Minimum Requirements for Shareholders

  • The shareholder(s) must own at least 30% of the company’s equity; AND
  • They must be a Director registered with SSM AND/OR occupy a key role within the company.

Professional Visit Pass (PVP)

  • Allows the holder to engage in Temporary Employment / contracted activity in
    Malaysia under the ESD-registered company.
  • Maximum duration of contract allowed is for 12 months and is restricted to
    one contract / project at a time.
  • The position is non-salaried.
  • Payment and endorsement of PVP can be done via online
  • The PVP is non-renewable